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Herbal Treatment


In Ayurveda Rogvigyan is very special and very important branch. our Department has fulfil and well qualified staff. It is very spacious having 1035 Sq.ft. area with facilities rich for practical purpose. Department has all the advanced equipment including incubator, auto analysis, hot air oven, cell counter etc. So students can perform all haematological, Serological and Microbiological experiments confidentially. The staining procedures and all bacteriological examinations are carried out for up gradation of student’s knowledge. Different His to pathological slides are preserved. Different Pathological specimens are preserved. The unique Ayurvedic examinations such as Nadi-Pariksha, Tail-Bindu , Mutra-Pariksha are carried out by students and the results are recorded.

We are attached to well equipped hospital. So our students are able to perform all Parikshas of Rugna described in Samhita granthas and diagnose the disease and able to correlate the same with modern findings.
We have Departmental Library having number of books including Ayurvedic and Modern ref. books. number of Charts, CDs, OHP, Slides are available in our department. Our Department gives theoretical as well as Practical knowledge to students in Laboratory and Hospitals

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